Supporting Young Children and Their Families - Our Priorities
Our priorities are grounded in our guiding principles, adhering to our vision, role, and collective philosophy. They are described below.
Driving Growth in Knowledge
Our Goal:
Ensure a baseline understanding of the early childhood space, including key stakeholders and initiatives, that will lead to easier and increased investment in high-impact, promising early childhood initiatives, systems, supports, and policies
Infrastructure that Supports Families
Our Goals:
Strong infrastructure that supports families’ abilities to access, afford, and utilize services for their young children
Increase strength and resilience of families so their children can thrive
Increase investment in family supports and the access to these supports
Promote a High-Quality Early Childhood Workforce
Our Goals:
Professionalization of the early childhood (EC) field
Sufficient high-quality, well-compensated EC workforce
Economic Sustainability for Service Providers
Our Goal:
Ensure that all MA families with young children have access to the stable, high-quality services they desire.